Control Options

To date, no practices or products have controlled or actively reduced Aphanomyces euteiches and root rot complex infections other than by lengthening crop rotations of peas and lentils.

While no control options currently exist, researchers are diligently working to find solutions to controlling and mitigating root rot complex and Aphanomyces infections. To date, the Root Rot Task Force (RRTF), in conjunction with research findings, has developed a list of Best Management Practices for growers and agronomists to utilize when growing peas or lentils.

Seed Treatment

While many seed treatments are registered in pulses, none of the registered products control Aphanomyces. At best, seed treatments can suppress Aphanomyces under low-risk conditions but will not prevent root rot pathogens from infecting host seedlings under ideal disease conditions. 

Seed treatments are ineffective past the seedling stage, and foliar fungicides will not work on root diseases.

Therefore, seed treatments should be used to aid in the prevention of root rot in fields where the risk of infection is low as opposed to a control mechanism when planting into soils with a greater risk of an Aphanomyces infection.

Best Management Practices

  • Practice a sustainable crop rotation for four or more years, six to ten, in confirmed Aphanomyces fields.
  • Use seed treatments (at least three to four weeks of activity).
  • Don’t roll your pulses when the soil is wet.
  • Water management- choose lighter textured soils with good drainage.
  • Avoid fields with heavy compaction and heavy clay soils.
  • Burying infested residue.
  • Control other hosts (volunteers & weeds).
  • Good seeding rate – eliminate crop stress and competition from weeds by having a sufficient plant stand.
  • Use healthy, disease-free seed with good vigour and germination.
  • Apply a balanced fertility package with sufficient nutrients and inoculant to feed the crop.
  • Give the crop the best possible start- test for seed-borne disease, watch for herbicide rotation/residues, compaction, and high rates seed placed fertilizer.

Registered seed treatments are one of the only chemical options currently available for growers to reduce the impact of root rot infections.

Seed Treatment

While many seed treatments are registered in pulses, none of the registered products control Aphanomyces. At best, seed treatments can suppress Aphanomyces under low-risk conditions but will not prevent root rot pathogens from infecting host seedlings under ideal disease conditions.

Seed treatments are ineffective past the seedling stage, and foliar fungicides will not work on root diseases.

Therefore, seed treatments should be used to aid in the prevention of root rot in fields where the risk of infection is low as opposed to a control mechanism when planting into soils with a greater risk of an Aphanomyces infection.


Seed Treatments

Pythium (seed rot and damping off)

Use seed treatment if the field has a history of disease and seeding under cool/wet conditions.


Intego™ Solo (ethaboxam)(1)

Root Rot Complex Including Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia solani

Use seed treatment if levels of Botrytis or Fusarium on seed total 10% or more.

Use seed treatment if the field has a history of disease and seeding under cool/wet conditions.

Agrox FL (captan)

Apron® Advance (fludoxnil, metalaxyl,

Apron® Maxx RTA/RFC (fludioxonil, metalaxyl)

Cruiser Maxx® Pulses (thiamethoxam, fludioxonil,

EverGol® Energy (penfufen, prothiconazole, and

Insure® Pulse (metalaxyl, fluxapyroxad,

Rancona® Trio (Metalaxyl, Ipconazole, Carbathiin)

Thiram (thiram)(2)

Trilex® AL (trifloxystrobin, metalaxyl)

Trilex® EverGol (penfuxfen, trifoxy strobin,

Vibrance® Maxx (fludioxonil, metalaxyl,

Vitafo® products (Carpathian, thiram)(3)

Zeltera® Pulse (ethaboxam, inpyrfluzam, mandestrobin, metalaxyl)


Intego™ Solo (ethaboxam) (1)

Zeltera Pulse (ethaboxam, inpyrfluzam, mandestrobin, metalaxyl)

INTEGO™ Solo (ethaboxam) seed treatment will suppress Aphanomyces root rot in peas and lentils in the early season, but it needs to be tank-mixed with an approved seed treatment partner for protection from other root rot pathogens.

Note: (1) Intego™ Solo is registered for lentil and pea. Check the label for other pulse crops. (2) Thiram is registered for pea but not registered for lentil. (3) Includes Vitaflo® 280, Vitaflo® Fungicide, and Vitaflo® SP.

Always refer to product labels before application. Review the most recent provincial Ministry of Agriculture’s Guide to Crop Protection for more information on seed treatments.